Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jean Grey: My Superwoman of the Month

I have to admit I am a DC Comic gal that loves X-Men. Since I was young, I watched every X-Men episode and movie. I plan to read the comics but I think I'm too far behind to even try. Jean Grey is one of the coolest female X-Men next to Storm. She has the coolest superpower; she's telekinetic. She can read minds, levitate, move things with her mind and some other things I can't think of at the moment. She is a calm, down-to-earth person and she's smart. I appreciated the relationship Jean Grey and Scott (or Cyclopes) have. It's precious, but that Wolverine (smh). Anyway very off topic, the reason I choose Jean Grey as the superwoman of the month because she inspires me in a weird way. She's bold, ballsy, and intelligent; something I aspire to be. Jean Grey's character is that of an ideal female superhero. Although in some incident, they do not paint Grey in the prettiest picture but for the most part she's a great heroine. She's beautiful, has a good head on her shoulders and sensible. I can't say too much about her she is a bit boring for me. Anyway, Jean Grey is my superwoman of the month. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Black Cat: My SuperWoman of the Month

My superwoman of the month is the Black Cat (yes she is a villain). I never said my superwoman had to be good, but she has always been a cool and fun character for me. I love the whole catching Peter Parker thing, it really gives her this corky fun side of her. Not only that but she is the side that most women are afraid to show: sex appeal. She is very sensual and feisty and has a certain way about herself that makes her dangerous but not too big of a threat (like Reptar well not like Reptar but it was funny). Black Cat is sneaky and is devious (when she wants to be) and cute. She is one of my favorite villains because she isn't over-kill (like some are) but she's the pleasant blend of evil and corky and I love it! She does have her moments where she's totally diabolical but worst comes to worst she might rob a bank or steal a precious piece of art. But all and all she's an interesting and complex villain that isn't all smash this and kill that and rule the world this. She is your normal, cat burglar that is totally in love with the guy in spandex (Spider-Man). It's odd I know but it's entertaining doest have to make sense. I am not sure about so don't quote me, there was this one interesting thing with her that symbiotic thing. I thought it was cool, I really don't know how to describe it but on Spider Man but I wasn't an active reader so.  At any rate, Black Cat is my superwoman of the month of November, deal with it or be dealt with!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


What's up guys! I am creating taking on a new project well a new blog.
I think this is the beginning of something beautiful so read my new blog: Mind, Body and Soul: Thoughts by Aubrey M.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dream Keeper

I had the weirdest dream last night.
My cousin witnessed a murder and she caught a glimpse of the murderer (I don't know when this occurred in the dream before or after my cousin witnessed the murder but I was having relations with this guy. All I remember strongly was that he was gorgeous and it was someone I knew). Anyway, we called the police and she described the man. Ironically, he was walking outside of the house.
Scared to death, we called our family over to keep us company and protect us. We kept an eye outside and watched him and we cringed until he finally left the neighborhood. Briefly afterwards we heard gunshots and shattering glass. When that happened everyone crawled into a small room and prayed (while gunshots broke our windows). We crawled out of the room and shortly after the noise and gunshots stopped.
Ten minutes after, a lady we thought we knew walked in and we didnt bother her because we thought we knew her. So, she uses our bathroom and comes out. She creeps behind my aunt who was stand near the door and said "shh I'm like boss behind the operator." So we begin to scream and carry on until we finally ran out the back door.
At the house, the lady yells I'm talking back what's mine and my aunt explodes. She puts up and rechargeable bomb and begins to run after us. She chased us and we (knowing the neighborhood  looked for a safe spot. She was in a masive jeep and we kept running with my cousin yelling directions. Finally we came to the safe spot which was like a ditch with cones and yellow tape. My cousin yelled get under don't stand around so some of us got under while the other stood around and got hit by her jeep.
She pursues us on foot now and we continue to run. I don't remember what happened in between but we came to a house. She explained to us we were he long lost children and told us about the life we would've  had. She explained to us a life of killing and crime, she even said we'd have our own room. She invites us inside and we see the home of her many children.
There were several floors with purple walls and turquoise shag carpeting. After looking through the house, the swat team and witness protection arrived. They shoved us in the van and the lady followed us. We tried to loss her and ironically the guy that my cousin described tried to hook a bomb to the van and somehow we got him and the bomb off. When we finally lost the lady, we drove off to the Canadaian border.
Hey that was my dream, I don't choose what I dream about I just try to interpret it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Lover Won't Wait

My lover won't wait
Wait to be loved
Wait to be hold
He won't for my gentle caress

My lover can't wait
To hear the sweet nothings
Tug onto him
Hear my vows

No my lover won't wait
My lover needs me 
My lover is impatient
My lover is yearning 
And crying, crying out
For my love 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Black Canary: My Superwoman Of The Month

My superwoman of the month is the Black Canary. I fell in love with this fireball of a woman when I began to read a series of comics called the "Birds of Prey." I'm sure you have heard of it, with the very first bat-girl, Barbara Gordon who is known as Oracle in the comic, Huntress and a couple other women in the comic. Anyway, Black Canary is just a feisty and strong woman. She has some sex appeal but what comic book woman doesn't, comics are target towards younger men or older men that live with their mothers and jerk off to porn (STEREOTYPE ALERT!). 
But, back to Black Canary, she is super bad, like she doesn't have superpowers (a useful one I should say) but she could kick some serious ass. But, I loved that she was considered a villain when she was first introduced and kinda had the same gothic, dark feel Batman comics had. This is a girl after my own heart, she is bold, brave and a bad mama-jama! Like home-girl fights baddies with her bare hands...HER BARE HANDS! If that isn't cool then someone explain what it is. I love her because I think she is rebel and a fighter. I might categorize her as my idol. 
Now don't get me wrong, for a comic book super woman she is a bit scandalous. Like her attire isn't practical, she wears heels, fishnet stockings, a body suit and a leather biker's jacket. For one she is the ideal character I mentioned in my earlier blog "Female Super-Heroes: Are They Sex-Symbols?" It's crazy because her as a person is great it's just the way she is presented. Anyway Black Canary is my super woman of the with it!

Blog Post Mentioned:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Wonder Woman: My Superwoman Of the Month

My superwoman of the month is Wonder Woman, I'm not too crazy about her but I love the concept of her. She is this strong, independent super-being that can hold her own. I like the fact that the people behind the making of Wonder Woman made her feminine but a hard-ass. First they give her super-strength, she can carry or lift twice her size. Then they threw in some crazy things like flight, endurance, speed and they even gave her this random healing power. But you know what the big cherry on top is, her lasso of truth. This is what makes Wonder Woman a wonder! Like if you don't remember one super thing about Wonder Woman, the one thing or the only thing would be her super cool lasso of truth. 
One thing about Wonder Woman that threw me off was her alter ego Princess Diana. I guess she was like the Princess of the Amazons, I have no clue. But it was so random because in most of the comic they don't even acknowledge the fact until something huge happened. But anywho, this is my superwoman of the month!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fashion Victims

So many girls always wanna be with the latest trend, wanna wear what all the celebrities wear and be "with it." People don't understand there is a difference between fashionista and fashion victim. I will admit I do pay attention to the latest trends and fashions and pick and choose which ones suit my personality and personal style but I don't go to the extend of following every single trend. I remember when Rihanna first cut her hair everyone cut theirs; when she dyed her hair that stupid "look at me!" hair of course girls followed suit.
Its like no matter how stupid the trends the fashion victims of the world follow no questions asked. Same thing with Amber Rose, the broad came from nowhere and she rocked a buzz-cut so ditto girls followed. 
Being a fashion victim eliminates your chance of being original or an individual in any shape or form. It also shows you are a mindless idiot that follows any stupid thing celebrities or other people do. Fashion victims especially annoy me because they have to be on every trend by the coattails and think the world must be on it like them. It's funny how people watch celebrities so closely it's as if they want to become them. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Favorite SuperWoman: Batgirl

Like I said in previous blogs I am a comic book fiend! I love the supernatural that why I am so infatuated with Greek heroes and American comic book heroes. My favorite superwoman is Bat-girl for one reason: she's a bad ass! The first Bat-girl was my favorite (Barbara Gordon) because she set the bar so high for future Bat-girls. Like check this kid out, she doesn't have superpowers and she is still a force to be reckoned with. Sure if you like cookie-cutter, prissy little girls you'll totally dig Super-girl but Bat-girl has essence. She's human we can relate to her and we love the whole underdog thing she's got going for her. Whether you agree or not, I would enjoy a Batman comic more than a Superman comic simply because of the realistic factor and the fact Batman is more entertaining to watch.
Bat-girl is spunky and she has this cool personality. She is very sarcastic and kinda takes herself a little too seriously. But then again she only saves Gotham City from inevitable destruction everyday (no biggy). She is also very brave and she has proven on several occasions she can play with the big boys and hold her own. Not only is she very capable she's fun to watch.
I also love Bat-girl girl because she and everything else in the comic world is so weird and eerie and dark (hence the name of the town Gotham City). Its like everything is so spooky and dark but I love it. Needless to say I dig it! Like you can't expect the expected from her and its cool! If I was half as cool and slick as Bat-girl I'd be pretty stoked. To my regular readers notice how Bat-girl is still up (every month I honor a super heroine) that how much I love Bat-girl.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


As you might have noticed, every month I honor a female superhero. First there was Supergirl then there was Rouge and now Batgirl. If you would like to see your favorite super woman as my background just comment with your favorite female superhuman! Or introduce me to more super women that aren't too mainstream and I'll probably write a blog in their honor.

Settling: How to Avoid it

A while back I wrote a blog about settling (Settling: Why Girls Settle and Why it's a Problem 2012) and now this blog is an extension of that one. As you might be able to tell I didn't add "part 2" or add part to the title simply because it's not a multiple part series. It is simply piggy backing off the first so I guess you can say that the first blog was the intro leading up to this one.
But any who, as you read in my first blog settling is a bad thing in more ways than one. First, you are more vulnerable to get hurt or played. Secondly, sometimes settling shows you don't have self-appreciation for yourself. Lastly, settling for less than you deserve waste your time and causes unnecessary turmoil. There are ways to avoid making the choice of settling.
For starters, make a list; I know it sounds stupid and cheesy but its better to visually see what you think you want and thinking hard about what you need. It is also a good idea to do this with a friend but if you are the type that needs silence to concentrate then go for it. Make sure that all the attributes and traits are achievable and realistic. So, don't write on your list "wants someone that can fly" we all know that is impossible. But on a more serious note don't write things like "someone that never gets angry at all"; to be honest people get angry some more frequent than others. That won't be a realistic trait because people show anger in different ways and sometimes you wouldn't even know they are anger unless they told you. Things like that are not good example of what could go on your list. Remember my list from the last blog? That is an example (maybe not a perfect one but it's a start) some of the things on my list were just preferences. On my list I had tall, I would like a man that is a minimum of 5'6 and a max of 6'4 but I won't not date a guy that's 5'5 with a great personality. I also had "prefer Caucasian men" yes I am more attracted to white men but that doesn't mean I'll never date a black man or a hispanic man. Its' good to have a preference but don't let that preference determine your entire decision. 
After creating that list, stick to it. Like on my list the very first item was articulate. For me, someone that knows how to talk correcting and pronounce words in the correct tense is a must and it's rather sexy. So, if some guy off the break, calls me "shorty" or "sweethawt" (that is the phonetic way some guys pronounce "sweetheart"), I have to immediately shut down and just give you the evil eye. That is part of the reason I don't really pursued or desired a boy from around my way. Most of them are obnoxious and immature. That should be the same persona you should have, that list is supposed to help you make the right decisions. A very good one I have on my list is "smart", ladies if you cannot hold a constructive, intelligent conversation with them they aren't worth your time. But, if you're into that kinda thing when your men are dumber than a brick; go for it. 
Lastly and the most important, ask God for guidance. We are only human and evidently are bound to fuck up, so why not put your trust in someone who is perfect and knows what is right for you. Prayer and trust is the key to finding your soulmate. With guidance and understanding from the holy spirit there is no telling what God could bless you with. He could take that list of yours and add things you didn't even think you needed or multiply the things you do want sevenfold. 
Now, I am not the expert matchmaker in Maryland or a married counselor but I know a little something about people and relationships. I am pretty sure you follow this criteria things might start looking up. Now I am not saying you do so and get marriage in 6 weeks but you'll stop settling for less and be happier.

Intro of this blog

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why I love Sara Bareilles

I was in captivated with Sara Bareilles since Love Song. For people that don't know the true meaning of that song, she basically shot a middle finger to her record label. They wanted her to write more songs about love and she responded with that love. "...I'm not gonna write you a love song/ 'cause you asked for it 'cause it/ 'cause you need one you see/ I'm not gonna write you a love song/ 'cause you tell me it's make or breaking this/ if you're on your way/I'm not gonna write you to

stay/All you have is leaving/I'm gonna need a better reason/ to write you a love song today..." Powerful words, words spoken by a true bad ass. That's when I fell in love.

She is bold, spunky and brass balls; qualities I admire in a person. She is not only a singer but a song writer and she has a brilliant mind. She covered a very mainstream Beyonce song "Single Ladies" (video is on my Twitter @_JustJillie) it was a great take on the Beyonce hit. She added this corky, light melody and a bouncy beat. She gave the song a funky alternative twisted. This artist is truly daring and inventive and that's why I love Sara Bareilles.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dude Homegirl is Crazy!

I don't know why I attract so many goregous girls that are way out of my league. These girls are not only exotic but fucking crazy! This one Hawaiian girl (yes another Hawaiian) she started talking to me on this social network. She was pretty close to me so I entertained her for a little. The very first thing that come out of my mouth was "I have a boyfriend" she said that was fine she wanted to be friends. She was a lesbian of course and I thought she was alright. We hung out a couple weeks and she was mad cool.
After a while she got obsessive, she'd call me 4 in the morning, text me 30 times while I was at work and I think she was catching feelings. One afternoon she told me she liked me a lot and she wanted to be with me. I assured her that would never happen (most because I had a boyfriend and she was crazy).
There on out she kept calling and texting like a crazy person. Leaving weird text messages and "dropping by" randomly. She was crazy! Like she would say things like she loved me and she had to have me. At first I didn't think too much of it but then it became freaky. She'd call me crying asking why I don't want her and don't get me wrong she was pretty..she was just fucking crazy!
The reason I didn't want her was because I had a boyfriend that I love and she was crazy as fuck. I have enough problems as it is without her in my life so, I don't think she's worth the hassle. So, moral of the story sometimes something that looks good ain't good for you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Amusement Park Visitors

Ok so I work at an amusement park and it is terrible. From rumbustious kids to loud obnoxious parents amusements park are crazy. I also noticed that people leave their brains right in the parking lot. Like I would be on the mic spieling "secure all loose articles" or "don't leave any loose articles on the platform" (most roller coaster stations are elevated platforms) and I'd probably say that six times in one setting. Yet and still there is always some idiot that leaves their shit on the platform or does exactly what I said not to do five seconds prior. Or I would say "hey don't lean on the air gates" and people just stare at me like I'm on crack.
That's not the only thing that bothers me, it's the parents. It's like when you tell them their kid isn't tall enough to ride it's like the beginning of World War 3. Like you measure their kid and you are 120% sure they are not tall enough but you measure them so you don't get fired it's like they are willing to loss a child for a 30second ride. Then it's the employee's fault that their kids can't ride, we don't create the rider requirements and restrictions.
One more thing, big people. I hate being the bearer of bad news when a larger person can't fit but think about it. A roller coaster or flat ride can only hold but so much weight, most coasters (I'm thinking all coasters) go faster with more weight on them. That is dangerous because sometimes the train will skip the breaks and could hurt someone. So imagine a 200lb person getting on the ride, all that weight could be very dangerous or a roller coaster that is only meant to go 75mph at the fastest. So anyways, (long sidebar) people get frustrated and get mad and try to sue the park because they are just big as fuck. Like seriously, this one lady tried to complain to my sup that I didn't try hard enough to squeeze her in the seat. Don't be a dumb ass, I am not supposed to jam you in a seat, either lose weight or try another ride. So am I right or am I right about amusement park visitors?     

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Worse break-up

In October, it'll be one year since Ronnie and I broke up and to be honest I have never been happier. For one this guy was older than me and at a different place in his life (five years older). He was controlling and a complete asshole. Like he really broke up with me because I don't wear make-up every time I saw him. We never talked he was always "busy" and never had or made time for me. In the back of my mind I think he was just with me for the sex. 
But, the funny part about it was that after we broke up I felt relieved like a weight was lifted. That's when I knew I was gonna be OK and that he was a burden in my life. For some reason, it took me forever to let my guard down. I felt like the first two or three months Dustin and I were talking he paid for all the insecurities and fears I had because of Ronnie. You know what is double crazy, I don't hate him! I love him (not the same way I used to) I am not in love with him I love him as a person and God would want me to love the ones that trespass against. I always hope that he found what he was looking for and wished him the best. Granted, I don't talk to him anymore or seen him since we broke up but, I don't hate him.
If he was reading this I just want to thank him for pushing me closer to an amazing guy that loves me for me and someone that isn't as shallow as he was. The moral of the story, some break ups seem bad at first but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Better Half (My Missing Link Found!)

Dude! This is an accurate depiction of us!
I am head over heels in love with my boyfriend. For my new readers I will talk a lot about my amazing boyfriend because he deserved to be hyped up. I'm telling you this guy is more perfect than bacon more pure than spring filtered water and sweet like honey. Don't get me wrong he isn't a softy, he's tough as nails and the heart of a fighter. He is so genuine, kindhearted and just makes me feel like a queen (cause hey, queens can only marry kings, right?).
My baby spoils me (yeah he spoils me rotten) it to the point he doesn't want me to pay when we go out. I love him so much he is everything I need and then some. I would be honored if Dustin (my boyfriend) took my hand in marriage. On the contrary, he has his flaws (I am not gonna broadcast them) but, he is as amazing and great as they come these days. And the cherry on top is that he's blonde hair/blue eyes (well I prefer green but hey). He is so perfect for me, perfectly imperfect for me and no one else. I love my boyfriend and he makes happy that's all matters.
This boy makes me swoon! Every time I see him I get butterflies and every time he kisses me, my knee get weak. Good grief and every time he looks at me my heart melts. I am just sprung I'm in love. For me I am never the first to admit or say that I am in love but I love that boy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lover's quarrel

This is a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago after I saw my boyfriend. I don't know why but he gives me inspiration to write again. This is the first time I have ever shared my poems with the public and the first time in 5 years I have written anything in a while.

Lovers quarrel to show love
To make love
Or rise above

Our lover's war might start
In an all out brawl
But resolve in a lover's lust
Yelling and hollering
What kind of noise that is so
Kicking and resisting
Biting and punching

Only the ones we love endure pain
The ones we love endure the most
Pain in some ways

Our lovers spat
Becomes a lover's pact
We kiss and make up
Sometimes even touch and
Make love
Forceful and rough
Loud moans and even screams
Forceful language
Pulling and grabbing
Slapping and spanking

Yes we have our
Lover's quarrels
But we also have our
Lover's romance

Monday, June 25, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Women Beaters

I have never really understand why some guys beat on women. Frankly, I don't understand why people fight other than to defend what is theirs or in self-defense. There is never (NEVER!) a reason to put your hands on a woman. I don't care how much she provokes you, you are never supposed to hit a woman.
I know that some girls encourage this directly and indirectly. Directly if you constantly pushing a man to hit you or hitting on them. Indirectly by allowing a man to constantly beat on them or not calling a man out on his actions.
Frankly, I think men that hit women are insecure. They don't have the balls to fight a man and feel powerful beating on a woman. Guys like that are weak and cheap, they are terrible and have no self-worth. I think they are the scum of the earth. So am I right or am I right about women beaters.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Straight Girls Switching Teams

Now I know I'm the worst contender but, I'm not one to write about something I don't know about. I was one of those girls that because of a couple bad guys became a lesbian and a year later became bisexual. My entire eleventh grade year I was into girl all because some guy fucked me over.
This guy I met at my place of employment and he was really nice, until some broad picked up his phone and  I had it with guys. So, months after the break up I decided I just wanted to have fun and mess around with girls. I never fell in love with a girl never caught feelings for a girl, for me, being a lesbian was a phase not a lifestyle. I knew for sure I wasn't going to marry a female so it was a phase.
I used to go out with girl, take them out, get the goods and leave. Almost how a male would act, maybe I was doing the same thing that guys did to me.
But, anyway, most girls like myself switch teams because men do they wrong and they think it'll be easier or different. If any girl that has even been with me romantically would know that girls aren't any different than men, just more unnecessary emotions involved. So am I right or am I right about straight girls going gay?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Attention Whores

Everyone has that one friend that just craves the limelight and will do anything to get. They'll lie, pretend, act and fake anything to become the center of attention. I had this friend (I don't know if she was really a friend) that was the biggest attention whore. This girl faked a pregnancy, sucked off the entire freshman and a percentage of the senior class and I think was a chronic liar. This one instance in particular really pushed me to the edge. 
My best friend since fourth grade went to the same high school as me and it was cool because we didn't attend the same middle school so we caught up on a lot. Anyway, I was caught in between and feud between my best friend and this attention craving girl. To this day, I regret ever being so close to her (the attention whore not my best friend). The situation was that the attention whore "stole" my best friend's boyfriend or I think that's what happened. Anyway, this girl knew she was wrong and continued seeing him after she knew what she did. Me being the type that hates being the middle-man I hated being the person that was caught in the middle. She'd tell me things to say to her and report back, it was back and forth. I still don't know why I let her bully me like that (maybe because I was freshmen and didn't know any better. I wasn't as ballsy as I am now, then).
Looking back at that time, I realized she used me to keep her reputation (her flawed rep) and make her the whore of attention. 
So am I right or am I right, about attention whore?

Our generation: Are We Really Hopeless?

Our generation is really twisted, from loose little girls to boys that can't control their hormones, it's outlandish. Even our music is crazy encouraging violences, sexual promiscuity, drug use and degrading women. Our generation is crazy, this radical change is essential visible in America. Since America was founded, we were the cream of the crop and slowly we have began to decline. In 2009, America ranked second out of 133 countries (pretty good, right?) but by 2012 America ranked fifth out of 142 countries ( 
History is repeating itself, that is the same way the Roman empire and the Israel empire fell. Homosexuality is now becoming a fad and people are condoning homosexuality. We are condoning teenage pregnancy and even glamorizing it (does Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant ring a bell?). How many TV shows have you seen were there is a teen mom or teenage that is pregnant, a lot! 
More boys are growing up without fathers and without the father in the home, you don't have an identity (theoretically speaking). The father of the home is the identity of the family (that's why the wife and the children take the father's last name, the world know that Mrs. Franklin is Peter Franklin's wife). Our generation is really screwed up and it makes me wonder, what's next?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Excessive Tweeters

Now I can't say I haven't been through that "I have to tweet everyday" shit but I'm not hardcore. There are people I follow on Twitter that have been in Twitter Jail six and seven times. Mind you in order to get to Twitter Jail you need to tweet at least 50 tweets in an hour (the daily average is 100 for a day).
To me I don't know how you create 50 tweets in an hour that's crazy! I come really close to the 50 though because on average I tweet 32tweets a day. That isn't even 1/4 of the daily average. My thing is the only possible way you might hit 50 in an hour if you are have five different conversations with people, otherwise I feel that's crazy.
Like seriously how much can you say in 140 characters or less. No one wants to read your 6,000 tweets about the same bullshit just worded differently. If you really have that much to say start a blog, post a Facebook status. Twitter just isn't for you, just do something else.
In all actuality, Twitter was created for companies and businesses to update their customer of the latest updates and new merchandise. Twitter recently become mainstream and everyone is obsessed with constantly talking and updating their followers about their daily life.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Infatuated With The Amazing Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz, wow, period! First thing that turned my on to him is the fact he is a black guitarist. The second thing was how raspy and gritty his voice is. The last thing that turned me on the this guy was the fact that he's fucking gorgeous! Like have you ever seen him, dude beautiful.
But the song I initial fell in love with was "Are you gonna go my way?". Hell yeah dude! The beginning riff, good grief, orgasmic it really is. I don't remember the chords but it was awesome! That song is so bad ass it literally says here's my song like it fine, hate it fuck you (the song itself doesn't say that I'm just saying).
Kravitz also has a soft side, "I'll be Waiting" is one of those songs that makes you sway and you can really relate to it. "As long as I'm breathing, I'll be waiting. As long as I'm living I'll be there. Whenever you need me I'll be there." Beautiful lyrics I'm telling you. Lenny Kravitz is one of my favorite guitarist and he is amazing. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Feel Like We're Married!

Now this isn't a bashing session but I feel as though my boyfriend and I are married. Like we argue every chance we get. I know we are well passed the cupcake phase, but we also love like one. We are commited and we just don't have eyes for anyone else. Like the other night we were talking baby names (yeahh that commited) and just love the same things and we talk a lot about the future. We have our ups and downs but I won't want to fuss with or be with anyone else. Surprisingly, we are very responsible for our ages (18 and 19 year olds) we both work and looking for a second job. Hopefully, one day that boy puts a rock on my left hand because I love him and I wouldn't want to be with anyone besides him. If he took my hand in marriage I'd be one of the luckiest girl in the world maybe even the luckiest. I know girls my age really don't wish for things like that but, I know he is my soulmate and we were meant for each other. He is amazing and want him to be mine always and forever.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scary Movies

I was recently asked the question: "Do you like scary movies" my initial reaction was scary movies really aren't scary. But seriously think about, the only true scary movies of our generation were probably: Saw (trilogy), Final Destination (trilogy), Misery, Friday the 13th (trilogy), Nightmare on Elm Street (trilogy) maybe Resident Evil, Halloween and probably The Roommate (PROBABLY! I truly didn't think it was scary it was more comical than anything). 
Like I said, most scary movies of our generation are funny and just plain dumb. Take Scream 4, that movie was stupid. Like seriously don't you just hate when that stupid blond is running and "all of a sudden" she trips and acts helpless not even moving to save her life, she lets the killer slash her. Another thing, when someone in the movie is home alone and hear a weird sound they always gotta "check it out" or ask "who's there" or "Hello?" You dumb bitch, you better run outside and call the cops on your cell phone. Shit, if that were me I'd ask no questions get a baseball bat or a gun, shoot the fucker in the knee or clock him unconscious, run out the house and call the police. But, hey, who am I; a sensible girl that knows how to handle her. One more thing, the killer is in clear view and they have amble time to get away, come up with a plan or get help and possibly kill the killer. But noooooo, the stupid whore screams and cries or does something stupid! Scary movies either totally annoy me, baffle me, make me chuckle or just make me question the people that make these movies.   

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game: The World of Dating (Part 3)

We all know we aim to please when we first meet new people. The first impression means everything so, we occasionally send the "representative". Yes, the perfect person we make up in our heads and the person we think will win our love interest.
There is no clear-cut way to see through the "representative" ploy but you'll know when you see it. When I was younger (gosh I make it seem like I'm ancient) I was the master of the "representative" act.
I usually used alias and phony back-stories to impress girls I found interest in. Like this one girl I had a huge crush on a while back. Like seriously she was Hawaiian, long flowing hair, not too tall but then again not too short, some killer green (or were they hazel) eyes and a nice rack. Needless to say she was a hottie, she was also out of my league. I don't care how sweet I thought my game was I don't think I would have got her without some type of angle.
So, this bombshell was a friend (or co-worker) of my war vet best friend. So, I took it upon myself to introduce myself the one day she shows up at my best friend's condo. That day I told so many lies I started believing them myself. I told this girl my name was Cydni Fairwood and I was assistant director of some director that recently graduated from NYU and had a studio in Arlington.
Naturally, this girl brought my boogie story and became so engrossed in my line of work. So much so, in the next two weeks we were together she did some research. Yup, this player got caught in a lie and she from there on didn't want anything to do with me. I didn't blame her; if I were me I won't either. Pegging her for a fool and playing up her emotions. I'd be heat, the moral to the story is the "representative" causes confusion and trouble so, just be yourself and let the chips fall were they may.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Female Super-Heroes: Are They Sex Symbols?

Lately I've gotten very engrossed in heroes, mostly because I wrote a term paper on Greek and American Comic heroes. 
I am beginning to see that most (and I do say most) female super-heroes are seen as sex symbols. If you just Google the phrase "super girl" you would get some provocative images. It's like women can't be equal to men they are just objects. Just look at the way most artist draw these characters. Enlarged breasts, extremely short skirts or skin tight bodysuits and occasionally cut off tees. But think about it; the people that make these comic are men and the primary audience are men. So, it's a given that these people want to appeal more to the male population of ages twelve through twenty-one. But what does that say about women? Are we just trophies or objects of desire? Are we simply here to please men and merely sex slaves? It's a double standard and it's as if women are the second sex even in the comic book world.
On the contrary, these writers do a great job at making these female super-heroes role models to the younger generation. I know when I was younger I wanted to be just like Super-Girl or Wonder Woman. They are instilled with good values, smart, handy and of course strong. Their presentation could be less revealing but, the lessons and morals are received. I'm just saying can they be both role models and sex symbols? Or is it just some wacky thought I just throwing out there?

My best friend Sonic

Ever since I was able to hold a game controller, Sonic, the hedgehog was "my best friend". Like it sounds crazy but, he has always been there for me. From the humble age of five to now, Sonic game never let me down. On those rainy days, pure boredom and even to get my mind off certain situations. I literally grew up loving Sonic and looked forward to the next game. I have no clue why these Sonic games are so addictive but they are! It's just something about those golden rings and that weird sound you get when you jump. Why is it that I can spent hours staring at a TV screen doing the same task over and over? Who knows but all I know is I'm a fan for life and the Sonic trilogy is for serious gamers.

Monday, May 14, 2012

For You

When I wrote this I wasn't thinking about whom was reading this
When I wrote this I wasn't thinking about how people would see me
When I wrote this I thought of your eyes
The way you run your fingers through your hair
How you look at me
The way you hold me close
I was thinking about your arms
Your touch
The way our noses rub together when we kiss
I was thinking about you and all your bloody glory
Just you

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Lesbian Crush on Fiona Apple

I love Fiona Apple and her music so much I categorize it as a lesbian love affair. Her lyrics are like my thoughts in song and rhythmic form. "Paper bag" is one of my all time favorites: "I've got to fold because these hands are too shaky to hold" or "I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up" come one that has Fiona Apple written all over it!
But the song I truly fell in love with was "Criminal". Good grief, that girl can blow! She has serious pipes and the lyrics again: "And I need to be redeemed to the one I've sinned against" and "Help me but don't tell me to deny it." In my opinion she created her own genre.
She is also a bad ass like she released an album in '95, the title of the album was like 23 letters long. Seriously she is an icon and she is so twisted; crazy. "Fast As You Can" the craziest song I've heard from her. "Sleep to Dream" is a classical "You say love is a hell you can not bear/ And say gimme mine back and go there/ For all I care." I love it, she is such a creep and she is so broken. We can all relate to her in some way because she is such a crazy and says thing that most people wouldn't. She was the bad ass of the 90's I hope she is still making music because she is amazing. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Love Letter To You

I wrote you this to show how much
Then I realized words couldn't describe
Words couldn't describe the love I have 
For you
No sonnet, song, or poem can
Explain how and why I love you
To be honest I don't know why I 
Tried to compose my love into a poem
Maybe I was thinking of you and just wanted to
Make you smile
See those blue eyes gleam
Your face light up

To be honest, my love has no human capacity
I don't even think God could fathom
I am pretty sure you'll never know 
How much I really love you
This is my love letter to you
I hope you smile when you read it
I hope you think of me
I really hope this makes your day
I also wish you love me 
Like I love you  

To the keeper of my heart

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Settling: Why Girls Settle and Why it's a Problem

Settling: the act of determining or deciding on something ( Girls settle when it comes to men because they feel like they can't do any better than what they have attained. Some girls settle for the wrong guy just because they think there is no one better. I think this comes from ridiculous friends that keep telling us "lower your standards". Yeah, get real we all know that is not good advice. The moment you lower your standards, you attract the wrong guys and you wind up falling or dating someone that isn't right for you.
I made up an ideal guy in my head (like most young women my age) and that is how I guided myself when I was looking.
My list:

  • Articulate 
  • Tall (clique but yes)
  • Funny
  • Smart and brainy
  • Spiritual (has similar views as me)  
  • Spontaneous
  • Adventurous
  • Someone with nice hair (Yes! I need something to run my fingers through!)
  • Sensitive (not sensitive to the point he is basically a bluff version of me)
  • Built (I like bluff, very fit guys)
  • I prefer Caucasian  men (come on I'm not that shallow, but that is just a plus not a requirement)
  • Honest
  • Loving
  • Charismatic
  • Easy on the eyes
  • Patient (because I am a handful)
  • Loyal
  • Open Minded
  • Someone that is a great kisser with full lips
  • Romantic
  • Responsible 
  • Flexible (not in the literally sense)
As you can see my list is somewhat extensive but, I know someone like this exist. As a matter of fact, my boyfriend fits this description for the most part. Most women have list like my own of their ideal man and there is nothing wrong with having standards and an idea of what you want and need. Most people want someone who is different and somehow similar to themselves. Women that have standards show that they respect themselves enough to set requirements for their mate. So don't let anyone tell you to lower your standards or settle for something less than you deserve. Your dream guy is out there all you have to do is be patient and believe. It sounds cheesy but when he comes you'll know.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Double standards

As much as we don't want to believe it life is full if double standards. It's like it's ok for one group of people but for another it's outlandish. These lines are finer with men and women. Between the two sexes there are so many double standards that are made. Not only that but between certain races and nationalities.
Most of the time guys gloat about how many girls they get on a daily basis. Their male counterparts praise and condone such childish behavior. However, when a woman makes such claims she is labeled a whore. This is the same principle of oral sex, a man proudly claims he does it with most of his sexual companions his friends pat him on the back. Now a female proclaims the same thing, she is a repulsive, filthy excuse for a woman. Even cat-calls, men do it all the time and no one pays any attention to it. But, as soon as a female uses one of those sleazy lines she's grotesque in the eyes of all men. Psychology, if a women loves have intercourse on a regular basis there is something mentally wrong with her.
Sometimes these standards are applicable in the workplace and school.
When we see males that are very successful we assume that he worked very hard for his position. On the contrary, a woman holds a very prestigious position she must of slept with someone to get there. It's funny because society does the same with black males driving somewhat exotic cars. People assume it has to be stolen, that were racial profiling comes in.Why is our society so cynical about things like this? Why do we make one set of rules for one group and another for the other. It's awful and one thing about society we just can't fix. It's one more thing that makes society so evil.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What Makes Me Tick: Things I love

This is a random post but I feel my readers should know a little about me. I am an aspiring photographer, I love taking abnormal pictures. It's so weird because since I was five years old I loved photography. I feel a picture can tell a million stories. I love flowers, just like every girl I love the sweet aroma of fresh cut flowers. I am not big on roses but I love hibiscus, lilies, tulips and gladiolus flowers. One weird thing about me that usually surprises people is that I like white guys. Some guys I talk to think it's so weird but I don't know I just find them attractive. My kryptonite is blondes and green eyes, together I think I'll have a fit. Ironically, my boyfriend is a white (and let me tell you he is gorgeous). Even though I claim to be such a bad ass, I love hugs! I'm a hugger I'm very affectionate. 
Something that makes me tick, I tweet--A LOT! Very seldom do I go a full day without tweeting, maybe if I'm busy I'll probably stay off Twitter. Usually, I'm on Twitter 24/7; I also text--A LOT! Now, I never go a day without texting at least my best friend or my boyfriend. It's like I'm joined to the hip with my phone, I love my iPhone. I'm either tweeting, texting or writing a draft on here. 
I am very family-orientated, I love my folks and my extended family. I think I am the only person in my group that has both parent together and married. It's amazing because me and my mother's side of the family are super close. 
I seriously love old movies and music, very old fashioned. Maybe because I hang out with older people and I'm used to listening to that kinda thing. There are so many things that make me tick, you just have to continue reading my blogs! 

Workplace conspiracies

 Everyone with a job knows how its feels to be passed up on a promotion you know you deserve. In addition, everyone around you gets the promotion you worked hard for and you wonder "what the hell". Even though the people that get raises and promotion really and truly didn't earn it. We all hate it and it makes us wonder "when will I get mine".
I've been employed at my place of employment for three years (long time, right). I've been getting passed up on getting a promotion for a while not but recently, the company I work for changed their policies.   I don't know how they are doing it but it's weird and confusing. People I know for a fact don't work as hard as I do or even have seniority for that matter (the company mostly promotes people that have been there a little while). It's annoying because last year and most of this year I work my ass off trying to make management. To be honest most of the people in management slack off a majority of the time and really don't put in work. This is irritating because now, everyone is getting recognized for their mediocre work and I barely get a good job.
I know most people, really great workers have this problem but what does that say about management? Is management so blind they can't recognize leaders? I'm totally not dissing management but I'm asking what's going on? I know it's a fact of life that most people don't get what's rightfully theirs but when do you draw the line?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game: The World of Dating (Part 2)

I believe this topic can become a multiple part series on dating and the opposite sex. However, in my previous post I was explain how strategic men and how they use certain words to disguise their true intentions.  But what about the ladies? Women are just as cunning as men, if more.
Chicks are funny because we use our womanly intuition to guide us. Some women are very manipulative and most women are born with this feat, the way we use it is up to us (or if we decide to). I know I am a manipulative person, I know this. But, to be honest it takes way too much effort to "mind fuck" people. It's like you have to maintain a certain persona just to make someone act the way you want them to. It's way too much and frankly I'm a lazy person by nature.
Unlikely me, women weld the power of mind control accordingly. My ex boyfriend of 6months, his ex was a prime example. She calls me at four in the morning (I'm surprised I answered the phone, the conniving bitch). Shes just rambling on about how my boyfriend was hers and she goes through our text messages to each other. She claims he was with other girl besides me. To this day, I don't know if he (my ex) was covering his ass or she (his ex) was just being vindictive. I knew she was trying to start something because he hated her and he didn't like her anymore. She just wanted what I had or reclaim want she thought was hers.
One more thing, most girls are territorial. Yes, they really are, for example the don't date your friend's ex rule. Some girls hate that or don't even condone it. Not only is it weird, but I believe it has something to do with a girl's territory. I haven't been in the situation of my friend dating my ex but I seen people go through it. My friend, a very smart and lay back person and her best friend got themselves in that situation. My friend had this ex that I feel like her best friend lusted after since she introduced him to the group. I have a sneaky suspicion that she was the person that broke them up. Anyway, they (my friend and the ex) were together for probably two months or three (hell, I don't remember) and guess who was going in for the kill not even 2weeks after. We (my friend, her best friend and I) were out one day and this chick randomly says "Hey you don't care if I go out with Dan [the ex] do you?"
Oh gosh, you should have seen my friend's face! She was fuming, she walked out of the restaurant (think it was an IHOP) and screamed. My friend wanted to rip her friend's hair out and feed it to her (that bad). After that vendetta, needless to say my friend cut her best friend out of the picture. You know what was seriously crazy, they (the best friend and the ex) got engaged. From what my friend told me he was very rude, mean, unfaithful, deceitful, and inconsiderate (so they were meant for each other). Surprisingly, the bitch had the nerve to invite my friend and I to her wedding. We decided we'd go just to get a good laugh and make crude jokes.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game: The World of Dating

Everyone that ever lusted after someone, pursue someone or just don't know how to treat girl/guy this is for! Now I know I'm not a specialist in the field but, I know somethings. I know guys use weird "codes" when they: want you, love you, want you to fuck off, need their space or just flat out not interested. To be honest at one point in my life I was womanizer, man-eater whatever you want to brand it.
About three years ago maybe longer, I was a player (yes, I was and I was the best) I'd lure guys in then if they weren't to my likings I'd find another and use some useless line like "it's not you it's me" or "you might make someone else happy just not me. I wish you the best and I hope you find that girl for you" (bogus, I know but when you are charming and charismatic you can use any bogus line to let someone down easy). But for some reason a year later (or something like that) I became a lesbian. Yeah, I was a female liking "woohoo" licking lesbian (sue me). So, I have a pretty general understanding of what guys do to get girls and vice versa.
In addition, I had few girlfriends and the ones I did have I've known since grade school. So, I hang around a number of guys that in time inducted me as one of the guys. I learned the smooth lines, the sweet talk and sly dime-a-dozen cheap game. For example, when guys say "I wanna get to know you" (red flag!) as my best friend and war vet. says "to be honest, when I say that I just want the cheeks (basically, he wants to fuck). My best friend (I call him) was in the air force for two years and is now a successful accountant. You would think a guy like him would be living a more gallant lifestyle. Anywho, he is infamous for wrapping these poor (not too bright) girls around his finger. He knew how to woo a lady and how to get her caught up in the game of love (or sex in his case). He said all the right things and was a smooth operator.
Naturally, any guy would look up to him and say "I wanna be like him!". But, before his fast pace life as a notorious heartbreaker, he was a lover. He was involved with a girl for about three years. Boy, he loved her like a rich man loved gold. He says the reason he is like this now I because he was chained down for so long he wanted to be free and do things he couldn't with her.
The reason I gave you that long (terribly long) backstory because he was the insightful guy that opened my eyes to what guys really think. To be honest, guys are very strategic if you ask me. Men plot and ploy to get certain things. Yes, some men aren't as clever at achieving such feats but they are cunning. Most guys plans aren't as cynical or vindictive but they plan to do certain things they find important. They might try to use the sweet approach: when every thing they say makes you melt. The bad-ass approach, because lets face it girls love a bad boy. The "unavailable" approach: things are that much irresistible when you know you can't have them. My personally favorite, the "slightly screwed up" approach.
I know it sounds dumb, but in all actuality do we play these games hoping or knowing we'll get the desired end product?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Advice: Your one friend that think they "Knows-it-all"

Now, we all have that friend whose favorite line is "if I were you...". Come on, get real you are not me so you do not have that option. Like dude there is no way you are giving me advice and you never even been in my situation. Doesn't add up you know? 
I don't believe in giving advice on a subject I know nothing about. It's like going to a foot surgeon for laser eye surgery (doesn't that sound crazy). I don't care how many re-runs of Dr. Phil, CSI, Law and Order or Oprah you watch, you never know how to deal with a situation until it's you. My Journalism/English 11 teacher always said write what you know. I'm guessing the same goes for advice.
However, I have a know-it-all friend, my gosh she thought she knew it all then some. Every time anyone had problem little miss problem-solver would work her unneeded magic. "Well, if I were you I'd leave the bastard," said the meddling friend that has never been with a man her whole life. "he's not a man he's a fucking 'pansy'." says the lesbian friend.
Yeah, because you are such an expert (please). She prides herself on how "smart" and "well-rounded" she is. To be honest, she is something shy of a dumb blonde. For me, I feel it is impossible to give advice if you have never experienced it (the situation) first-hand.