Monday, June 25, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Women Beaters

I have never really understand why some guys beat on women. Frankly, I don't understand why people fight other than to defend what is theirs or in self-defense. There is never (NEVER!) a reason to put your hands on a woman. I don't care how much she provokes you, you are never supposed to hit a woman.
I know that some girls encourage this directly and indirectly. Directly if you constantly pushing a man to hit you or hitting on them. Indirectly by allowing a man to constantly beat on them or not calling a man out on his actions.
Frankly, I think men that hit women are insecure. They don't have the balls to fight a man and feel powerful beating on a woman. Guys like that are weak and cheap, they are terrible and have no self-worth. I think they are the scum of the earth. So am I right or am I right about women beaters.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Straight Girls Switching Teams

Now I know I'm the worst contender but, I'm not one to write about something I don't know about. I was one of those girls that because of a couple bad guys became a lesbian and a year later became bisexual. My entire eleventh grade year I was into girl all because some guy fucked me over.
This guy I met at my place of employment and he was really nice, until some broad picked up his phone and  I had it with guys. So, months after the break up I decided I just wanted to have fun and mess around with girls. I never fell in love with a girl never caught feelings for a girl, for me, being a lesbian was a phase not a lifestyle. I knew for sure I wasn't going to marry a female so it was a phase.
I used to go out with girl, take them out, get the goods and leave. Almost how a male would act, maybe I was doing the same thing that guys did to me.
But, anyway, most girls like myself switch teams because men do they wrong and they think it'll be easier or different. If any girl that has even been with me romantically would know that girls aren't any different than men, just more unnecessary emotions involved. So am I right or am I right about straight girls going gay?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Am I Right or Am I Right?: About Attention Whores

Everyone has that one friend that just craves the limelight and will do anything to get. They'll lie, pretend, act and fake anything to become the center of attention. I had this friend (I don't know if she was really a friend) that was the biggest attention whore. This girl faked a pregnancy, sucked off the entire freshman and a percentage of the senior class and I think was a chronic liar. This one instance in particular really pushed me to the edge. 
My best friend since fourth grade went to the same high school as me and it was cool because we didn't attend the same middle school so we caught up on a lot. Anyway, I was caught in between and feud between my best friend and this attention craving girl. To this day, I regret ever being so close to her (the attention whore not my best friend). The situation was that the attention whore "stole" my best friend's boyfriend or I think that's what happened. Anyway, this girl knew she was wrong and continued seeing him after she knew what she did. Me being the type that hates being the middle-man I hated being the person that was caught in the middle. She'd tell me things to say to her and report back, it was back and forth. I still don't know why I let her bully me like that (maybe because I was freshmen and didn't know any better. I wasn't as ballsy as I am now, then).
Looking back at that time, I realized she used me to keep her reputation (her flawed rep) and make her the whore of attention. 
So am I right or am I right, about attention whore?

Our generation: Are We Really Hopeless?

Our generation is really twisted, from loose little girls to boys that can't control their hormones, it's outlandish. Even our music is crazy encouraging violences, sexual promiscuity, drug use and degrading women. Our generation is crazy, this radical change is essential visible in America. Since America was founded, we were the cream of the crop and slowly we have began to decline. In 2009, America ranked second out of 133 countries (pretty good, right?) but by 2012 America ranked fifth out of 142 countries ( 
History is repeating itself, that is the same way the Roman empire and the Israel empire fell. Homosexuality is now becoming a fad and people are condoning homosexuality. We are condoning teenage pregnancy and even glamorizing it (does Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant ring a bell?). How many TV shows have you seen were there is a teen mom or teenage that is pregnant, a lot! 
More boys are growing up without fathers and without the father in the home, you don't have an identity (theoretically speaking). The father of the home is the identity of the family (that's why the wife and the children take the father's last name, the world know that Mrs. Franklin is Peter Franklin's wife). Our generation is really screwed up and it makes me wonder, what's next?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Excessive Tweeters

Now I can't say I haven't been through that "I have to tweet everyday" shit but I'm not hardcore. There are people I follow on Twitter that have been in Twitter Jail six and seven times. Mind you in order to get to Twitter Jail you need to tweet at least 50 tweets in an hour (the daily average is 100 for a day).
To me I don't know how you create 50 tweets in an hour that's crazy! I come really close to the 50 though because on average I tweet 32tweets a day. That isn't even 1/4 of the daily average. My thing is the only possible way you might hit 50 in an hour if you are have five different conversations with people, otherwise I feel that's crazy.
Like seriously how much can you say in 140 characters or less. No one wants to read your 6,000 tweets about the same bullshit just worded differently. If you really have that much to say start a blog, post a Facebook status. Twitter just isn't for you, just do something else.
In all actuality, Twitter was created for companies and businesses to update their customer of the latest updates and new merchandise. Twitter recently become mainstream and everyone is obsessed with constantly talking and updating their followers about their daily life.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Infatuated With The Amazing Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz, wow, period! First thing that turned my on to him is the fact he is a black guitarist. The second thing was how raspy and gritty his voice is. The last thing that turned me on the this guy was the fact that he's fucking gorgeous! Like have you ever seen him, dude beautiful.
But the song I initial fell in love with was "Are you gonna go my way?". Hell yeah dude! The beginning riff, good grief, orgasmic it really is. I don't remember the chords but it was awesome! That song is so bad ass it literally says here's my song like it fine, hate it fuck you (the song itself doesn't say that I'm just saying).
Kravitz also has a soft side, "I'll be Waiting" is one of those songs that makes you sway and you can really relate to it. "As long as I'm breathing, I'll be waiting. As long as I'm living I'll be there. Whenever you need me I'll be there." Beautiful lyrics I'm telling you. Lenny Kravitz is one of my favorite guitarist and he is amazing.