Saturday, February 2, 2013

My SuperWoman of the Month: SuperGirl

Don't we all love the adorable and sweet Supergirl! She is just so cute and spunky like just her essence is so great. For me, my favorite Supergirl is Kara Zor-El because she is just so funny. Like I think there was a crossover between the Superman and Batman comic (which happens a lot) and the relationship between Batgirl and Supergirl is just precious. This girl is a great role model, like most female woman women she is brave. She is honest, kind and the sweetest gal there is. Although I love Batgirl, my superwoman of this month is a close runner up. Like Superman, she is strong and basically bulletproof. We see flies and has some other miscellaneous super powers I can't think of at this moment. Nonetheless, this girl is pretty sweet. My superwoman of the month is SuperGirl.