Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Excessive Tweeters

Now I can't say I haven't been through that "I have to tweet everyday" shit but I'm not hardcore. There are people I follow on Twitter that have been in Twitter Jail six and seven times. Mind you in order to get to Twitter Jail you need to tweet at least 50 tweets in an hour (the daily average is 100 for a day).
To me I don't know how you create 50 tweets in an hour that's crazy! I come really close to the 50 though because on average I tweet 32tweets a day. That isn't even 1/4 of the daily average. My thing is the only possible way you might hit 50 in an hour if you are have five different conversations with people, otherwise I feel that's crazy.
Like seriously how much can you say in 140 characters or less. No one wants to read your 6,000 tweets about the same bullshit just worded differently. If you really have that much to say start a blog, post a Facebook status. Twitter just isn't for you, just do something else.
In all actuality, Twitter was created for companies and businesses to update their customer of the latest updates and new merchandise. Twitter recently become mainstream and everyone is obsessed with constantly talking and updating their followers about their daily life.

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