Thursday, May 3, 2012

Girls: An account of emotions and love

I don't think guys understand how fragile women are. I don't care how much you say you're not you are. Girls are very emotions and act a lot on emotions. That why we are called "wo-men" theoretically the prefix "wo" in Hebrew is from. So, basically we come from man (of course) but, also "wo" can mean pain and grief. Hence, we are prone to emotional outburst and emotional toil. 
I, however, are one of those contenders. I think of myself as one of the guys 80% of the time. I am the type that doesn't like talking about my emotions and feelings. Maybe I was scared of my feelings and didn't know how to act or react. I was never the type to spill my emotions to the world mostly because of an ex boyfriend I was involved with.
He was weird to be honest. He basically forced me into having sex with him and to be honest always made every problem we had my fault. Long story short, he fucked me over. I feel like because he did that to me, played with my emotions I have my guard up all the time; no matter whom it is. 
Because of him, I think it is ruining my current relationship. I feel because he hurt me, my boyfriend pays for his screw ups. Most, (not all) girls feel that way they feel one guy screwed the rest will. That way of thinking isn't completely wrong. Yes, you were hurt before and you are trying you damnest (yes, I just made that up :P) for it not to happen again but, every guy isn't like that one guy that fucked you over. If that were the case we'd all be miserable and always on our guard. Frankly, it's not far to do that to an amazing guy you think you might have something great with. 
So, ladies I know its hard and I know let love in after you've been through hell and back is easier said than done but think about it, why would you chase away your soul mate because a foolish boy (that's what he is for letting an amazing woman as yourself get away) hurt you.

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